Monday, January 9, 2012

A New Adventure

Here is a very special story... Short, but veeeery sweet! I have not been so excited to write something since I first began Falcon of Ganst. ^-^

Hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

The Adventure Begins

We were heading into his house on friday night, to make our anniversary cake. As we were walking he grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards a particular part of the driveway.

"I think this is the spot," he said.

"What spot?" I tilted my head and gazed at him. I genuinely had no idea what he meant.

"This is the spot where we first kissed."

"Oh, it is, isn't it!" I laughed. General mushiness reigned for a minute or two. Then, blithely, I turned towards the house. "Now let's go make some cake!"

But he pulled me back again.

Deep in my stomach I felt a little flutter; although I could not say why. It was only for a moment, so I paid it no mind. He held my hands and I smiled at him.

"What's up?"

"Jennifer Lynn Post," he looked into my eyes, "I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Another woman, with another man, would probably have experienced a stunning thrill. She may well have dared that tiny, breathless thought; good gods this is it! I, however, had become perfectly accustomed to such declarations over the past year or so. I felt a thrill, but it was a familiar one.

"That's awesome, I feel the same about you!" I said, with a kiss and another smile for my own dear Scholar. Once again I turned to head into the house.

Once again he pulled me back.

"You are a pain in the butt," he informed me. He was frustrated for some reason; but still he grinned in my direction.

"And so are you!" I laughed. "We are perfect for each other." He laughed too, for a moment. Then he squeezed my hands, trying to look very serious.

"Okay... Jennifer Lynn Post, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he paused, slipping down to one knee. That stunning thrill hit me, dead in the chest, stopping my heart for a moment as he reached into his pocket and brought forth a small black box.

"Will you marry me?"

The outdoor light glinted off elegant swirls in a rose gold hue. I could hear my heart beat again, but now my brain was dead. Silence settled around us; until a single word pushed its way through the swirling mass of joy that fogged my head.

"Yes." All thoughts and feeling, words and movement, rushed back in one breath. They filled me up till I was a real girl once again. "Yes I will marry you!"

1 comment:

Jess :) said...

Yay! That is so beautiful!!! SOOOOO excited for you! :)